Monday, September 27, 2010

Got Lazy

Hey mumma
I talked to you this morning I always seem to blog to you when we talk. The days seem to be really slow lately. I think maybe because we're having sensational weather yet I'm often stuck at work. It takes forever to reach three o'clock and even worse is when i work till Five! Ah the torture. The weather is so beautiful and all I want to do is take my ipod with a sunny day playlist and wear a yellow dress and lay on the green grass. I'm only a day into my school holidays and i don't feel relaxed at all. I guess it's a side effect of time going slow. I have much much longer to think about all the things on my mind.

I had my first appointment. It was weird. I don't like her very much. I wish you were there to wait with me but dad came. Afterwards we went and bought Glee! It's great having the complete season. Season 2 of Glee is spectacular. Dad and I watched it 5 times so far.

Our work sleepover was a great time. I drank a little more then usual but I think I kinda needed it in some ways. It was a great time. Vonnie's a crazy drunk she's hilarious. Slept really well when we eventually went to bed at 4am after a maccas run for apple pies :) Me and Ads were the first to work so we drove in together. The rest of the gang came later with maccas breakie. It was great. I felt like a normal teenager.

I really like having dad around. He's sweet. We've been trying new recipes, today we made meringues. He didn't know how to whip cream so i had to do that for him. We watch movies together quite often. Mitch goes out a fair bit so it's just us two and lazy Bella who sleeps a lot lately.

I hope you're having a lovely time :) It sucks that you're unwell. My friends often ask how you're going. they're all insanely jealous of your trip away.
I love you, looking forward to a cuddle :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

The First (well kinda second) Hello

Hello mummy,
It is the morning on Tuesday the 21st here in beautiful 21 degree Canberra. I briefly spoke to you this morning with a cloak of slumber still upon my head. I shall quickly catch you up on the goings on before I have to start getting ready for school.

-Saturday: Saturday i woke up early. Like 20 to 6 early my bodies been running on dads time rather then yours. When i finally got up both boys had begun their days. On day one of your absence one of the boys left piddle ALL over the toilet. I had to lay the smackdown and remind them there was still one young lady in the house and not to pee on the seat. It's yet to happen again. Work was LOOOOOONG. I burnt my finger that sucked. Came home and Mitch had prepared some chicken dinner from his place of employment. It was good. We had throw away magnums from work for dessert. Then we went and picked your Hillbilly brother up from the airport. It was freezing and we got lost trying to find parking. I called shotgun and won so he had to struggle in the back seat. Then at around 10:30 i went to sleep so I'd be ready for my dun dun dun 3am wake up!!!!

Sunday: Got myself up at 3am had some Vegemite toast and coffee. Dad and Bella soon joined me. Got my snuggly warm I'm on a boat clothes on and at about 4:15 Brookalook arrived with Benni in her front seat and off we went towards the zoo. When we turned up the was a car idling by the gate thinking it was someone we knew we all rolled down our windows and screamed "HOWDY". They were a complete stranger whooops. Slowly people arrived and we boarded our lovely Murrays bus with a hilarious bus driver Mark. I sat with Benni in front, Brooke next to me and Daanika and Tegan behind us. All the keepers were lovely and causing much laughter. Vanessa commentated the entire treat with useful tidbits like "On your left we will be passing some jersey cows" and then proceeded to tell us their history. I fell asleep by the Clyde but woke up right in the middle. Then i felt terrible. I threw up 3 times in the 10 minutes before reaching Jervis. Once we got on land i felt good, so good i didn't want to leave. But boarded the boat I did 15 minutes later over the side and again and again every 20 minutes or so on a THREE HOUR boat trip. Luckily Benni felt the same and we stood by the edge puking everything even when there was nothing out. I wish you were there to rub my back but Benni did an ok job of replacing you. We were soon joined by emma and Jaki. Then I passed out standing up. According to Jaki it was very entertaining I tilted my head against a post and managed to sleep and would occasionally wobble but never fell even without holding onto the boat. Then we came back to stable land and Emma and I were still pretty sick we got many sympathetic looks as we lay in the fetal position on the grass. Eventually i ate and then we bussed home I slept the entire way. Throwing up is exhausting. Daddy came and got me and we went home to corn silverside and stewed apples. I only ate a little of this. Mitch taped Rookie Blue for us (He developed a crush on Andy)I then had a bath to rid my hair of some vom chunks (Lovely I know). Then it was off to bed to watch my shows. Nina and sexy doctor finally kissed in Offspring and poor Lilly died on her wedding day in Married, Single, other :( My bed felt like it was moving up and down all night.

Monday: I stayed home from school. I slept till 9:30. Every part of my body ached. Stomach back especially. I just pottered cleaned my room a bit. did some washing. It was nice and relaxing. I finished creating my evidence box and shall hand it in today.

That's all really dad's got a good washing routine set up. I help out as much as i can. He's doing well though mad props to him. Oh and an invite for Brooke's party is waiting on facebook for you :)

Hope you're time is spectacular but look forward to your return. Glee starts tomorrow so i'll be sure to tape it :)

Love you very very much, miss you lotsa.
Love love love